Organized in 1988, the Whiteside County Natural Area Guardians, is a sub-committee of the Whiteside County Soil and Water Conservation District. The NAG members are devoted to protecting, celebrating, and preserving the natural areas in Whiteside County for present and future generations.
The NAGS meet March-November, on the second Thursday of each month. Spring and Winter meetings are held in Morrison. Summer meetings are held in various outdoor locations. Activities of the Natural Area Guardians include work projects and field trips, prairie burns, prairie tours and plant ID activities.
For more information about the Whiteside County Natural Area Guardians and upcoming events, visit the groups Facebook page at Whether you are looking for hands-on experience in a prairie or to meet people that share a love of nature or have a desire to contribute monetary support, you are welcome and valuable.
Chairperson - Randy Nyboer
Vice-Chairperson - Sarah Bull
Secretary - Heather Dauen
$5.00 each
Summer = $5.00 / Winter = $6.00
$6.00 each
$20.00 each w/o pole, $25.00 each with pole
$8.00 each
Every year, the Whiteside County Natural Area Guardians, offer scholarships to college students in their junior or senior year of college, who are pursuing a degree in the area of conservation, agriculture, and/or environment. Further information concerning the scholarship is available at: